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Stain Lab

Arts & Crafts Stains

  • How to Remove Paint Stains

    School is starting up, and your child may have already brought home their first masterpiece to decorate your refrigerator. But did they also bring home a school outfit that was newly decorated with multiple colors of paint? Catching a paint stain when it is wet does make it easier to remove. However, don’t worry if the stain is dry by the time your child makes … 

  • How to Clean up Halloween Make-up Stains

    Learn how to clean up Halloween make-up stains from your laundry with Purex 

  • How to Remove Marker Stains

    Kids and markers can be a stain nightmare unless you have Purex on your side. 

  • How to Remove Glue Stains

    With children going back to school very soon, many parents are going to be once again faced with the stains that come from all of the wonderful art projects that are completed in the classroom. 

  • How to Remove Ink and Crayon Stains

    The first resolution for the new year: learn how to remove ink and crayon stains! 

  • How to Easily Remove Crayon Stains

    As many times as you may tell your school-age children that crayons are for coloring on paper, they inevitably manage to color on themselves. What do you do when your child comes walking home with a rainbow of crayon colors all over his shirt? 

Cosmetic Stains

  • How to Remove Nail Polish Stains

    Valentine’s Day, the busiest date night of the year is quickly approaching. Many women spend hours before getting nicely dressed, applying makeup, and painting their nails. 

  • How to Remove Deodorant Stains

    Happy New Year! It’s time to head back to work, wearing all of those neatly pressed shirts that you received over the holidays. Unfortunately, one of the stains that plague our work shirts are deodorant stains, caused by the reaction of the aluminum salts in the deodorant with your sweat. 

  • How to Remove Makeup Stains

    May is the month when we celebrate our wonderful mothers! Although we do appreciate them every day of the year, Mother’s Day is a special time to thank them for all that they do. Whether we do this through the gift of flowers or with a surprise brunch, we want them to know how much we care. 

  • How to Remove Lipstick and Perfume Stains

    How did that lipstick stain get there? Rambunctious kids? Accident? Don’t worry: we can help! 

  • How to Remove Perfume & Cologne Stains

    Perfume stains can be an unexpected phenomenon. Spraying perfume onto your clothes may make the fragrance last longer, but if we aren’t careful, it will also cause unwanted stains on our favorite clothing. 

Household Items Stains

  • How to Remove Candle Wax Stains

    Learn how to remove candle wax stains from cloth and fabric 

  • How to Remove Cough Syrup Stains

    The start of flu season seems to bring out the worst in runny noses, coughing, sore throats and other aggravating symptoms. Nothing tries your patience more than trying to give your sick child a spoonful of cough syrup just to have them turn their head at the exact moment that leaves you pouring the medicine right down their shirt. 

  • How to Remove Toothpaste Stains

    Toothpaste stains make their appearance on bathrooms sinks and tiles, and sometimes on clothing. You may stand there in amazement that your child managed to dribble straight down their shirt! Not to worry; toothpaste stains are relatively easy to remove. 

Food & Drink Stains

  • How to Remove Gravy Stains from Clothes

    Thanksgiving is almost upon us! Hopefully there will be no spills, but there’s always that chance that a piece of turkey coated in gravy makes it way to your shirt. 

  • How to Remove Ketchup & Mustard Stains from Clothes

    July often means fun in the sun, family barbeques, and hot dogs and hamburgers loaded with all of the fixings! We all cringe when we watch our kids take a big bite of that hot dog as the ketchup and mustard drop down the front of their shirts. 

  • How to Remove Grease Stains

    How many times does your child come home from school with grease stains down the side of his or her pants because they couldn’t find a napkin after eating some yummy french fries? Or the stain down the front of a shirt from a French fry that took a tumble? 

  • How to Remove Ice Cream Stains from Clothes

    There is nothing better than a big scoop of ice cream on a cone on a warm day. Or a scoop of ice cream on a piece of apple pie. Or a delicious treat on a wooden stick that most children drool about. But what happens when that ice cream starts to melt and ends up running down the front of your clothes? 

  • How to Remove Barbeque Sauce Stains from Clothes

    As the weather warms up, grills are being pulled out of storage, dusted off, and cleaned up. Burgers are being carefully crafted, and steaks are being delicately marinated. Each of us have a favorite barbecue sauce with the savory taste that makes our mouths water! But what happens when our favorite grill chef has a mishap and ends up with the savory sauce across his … 

  • How to Remove Cranberry Sauce Stains

    One of the favorite fixings for any holiday meal is cranberry sauce. If you are lucky, a stop at your local grocery store provides you with this beloved side dish. However, if you are like my family, cranberry sauce must be made from fresh cranberries. 

  • How to Remove Halloween Candy Stains

    The month of ghosts and goblins is upon us and with that comes every child’s favorite holiday – Halloween! Whether or not your children sneak a piece of candy as they walk door to door, there are bound to be sticky fingers wiped across clothes or costumes sometime this month. As usual, the quicker you treat the stain, the easier it will be to remove. 

  • How to Remove Baby Formula Stains

    Happy New Year! One of the most talked about stains is baby formula. Whether the stain is from breast milk, formula with milk, or baby spit up, all of the stains are considered protein stains. 

  • 5 Stubborn Stain Removal Tips from Purex

    Purex® Plus Clorox® 2 has the 100 stain cleaning power your laundry needs! But did you know there are everyday household tips you can use along with your detergent to help fight some of life’s hardest stains. 1. Coffee Run the item of clothing under cold tap water immediately after the stain. Make sure to douse both the front and the back of the … 

  • How to Remove Red Wine Stains

    The official start of fall brought cooler temperatures that many of us are enjoying by relaxing out on our porch or curled up by the fireplace with a glass of our favorite wine in hand. 

  • How to Easily Remove Guacamole Stains

    One of my favorite snacks is a bowl of fresh guacamole and a bag of crisp tortilla chips. Yum! But how many times does that chip break under the weight of the scrumptious guacamole, leaving you with an avocado stain across a shirt or pair of pants? Don’t panic, and don’t rub at the spot! 

  • How to Remove Chocolate Stains

    With Halloween around the corner, children everywhere are looking forward to all of the candy they hope to collect, and parents are dreading the sugar-high and stains that are guaranteed to cover their children’s costumes and clothes. 

  • How to Remove Coffee Stains

    Nothing starts a morning off better than a cup of freshly brewed, hot coffee. And nothing starts a morning off worse than ending up with that delicious coffee spilled all over you. If you have a chance while the stain is fresh, get a damp cloth and blot the stain. This will help remove some of the stain before it sets in your clothes. 

Outdoor Stains

  • How to Remove Sports Stains

    Your kids are outside playing sports, and the only thing you need to tackle are the stains they make. 

  • How to Remove Mud Stains

    April showers bring… mud? The green soccer field turns into a mud pit, and the baseball diamond is a slip and slide of mud from base to base. Now that you have mud covered uniforms and clothing, what to do with it? 

  • How to Remove Rust Stains

    Rust is not a stain that you combat using traditional methods. Detergent or typical stain removers are not going to be very effective, and do not use chlorine bleach! This can make the stain permanent. 

  • How to Remove Flower Pollen Stains

    With spring around the corner, many of us are slowly starting up yard work, removing the plants that did not survive the freeze of the winter, trimming back trees that need some maintenance, and clearing weeds in flower beds in preparation for new plants. 

  • How to Remove Grass Stains

    As the school year starts up again, we seem to find more and more grass stains on our clothing. With sporting events, children playing outside, it is a rare occasion to be completely stain-free. But why are grass stains so prevalent on cotton t-shirts and jeans? Why do grass stains seem to really “stick” to cotton and stain so deeply?